Sunday, April 25, 2010

Day 247.

Today, I...

saw my host mom deal someone the finger as we drove to our family picnic up in the mountains. While it's not nearly as offensive here as it is in the States, it still made me gasp/chuckle as I realized that even after living with some one for 8 months, they can still throw you for a loop.

missed being in a place where I don't wake up with unknown bites covering my body every morning.

realized I am going to miss Sunday drives with my host family. There's nothing like warm valley air riding on the backs of Danilo Montero lyrics, making your eyes water as they try and take in all the sounds and smells that lazily zoom past your open window.

learned that I still have a ways to go with my Spanish...I played pictionary with my host siblings (in-laws included) and had a tough go of things.

smiled when I wrote my "to-do" list for the week, looked down when I finished, and only then realized I had written the entire thing in Spanish. Maybe I am making progress after all.

- Hannah

1 comment:

  1. Hannah! Your mom just sent me your blog site. So incredible!! I must say how sad I am that I'll miss you there. I just decided to return to costa rica and La Carpio. Sadly I only have 11 days because of work, but I'm so excited to be back there! The worst part is I get there May 26 - after you will already be home. Can't wait to read back through your blog. And PLEASE let me know if you are ever in Denver. I also visit Chicago often, so maybe I can say hi when you are off at college!
    Bendiciones y paz, mi amiga querida.
