Monday, February 22, 2010

Day 188.

Well it seems I haven't posted in nearly a week...sorry about that folks.

To be quite honest, not a lot of post-worthy things have been going down. While I was in Nicaragua I made the mindless mistake of drinking the water (it was almost as if I was in 100+ degree temperatures with severe sunburn or something), thus resulting in an incredibly upset stomach for the last week and a half. My host mom thinks part of it is because I'm stressed/anxious/upset...because I haven't been on facebook.

I wanna say that's a sure sign that I'm addicted.

Not to mention I had my first facebook dream last night (something I got regularly when I gave it up last year). It's interesting though -- living the facebook-less life was so much harder a year ago, and I saw all my friends every day at school. Here, I haven't seen most of the people I contact on fb in over six months, but I haven't been going through the withdrawals (yes I just used that word) that I did during the last lent season.

Speaking of lent, I have been reading my parents' copy of "Bread and Wine" every day. Man that stuff is fulfilling.

In completely unrelated news, Relevant magazine released an incredible online radio station. Listen.

Well, that's all I got after a long day of a couple imodium (thank you Kathy!), The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, my bed, and Schindler's List.


PS Updated my other blog. Please send me reasons why you love your life at :)


  1. Just after I deleted my Facebook account, I only thought in status updates. Most of them went like this: "Sarah deleted her Facebook account." Ironic, eh?

  2. I have been listening to Relevant fm too. It's great!
