Friday, November 13, 2009

Day 87.

Today, I...

...saw God in Carmen's home as we crammed 17 people in a tiny living room to watch Blood Diamond. So much love in such a tight space.

...missed renting a movie and knowing that there wouldn't be any pixels/blurs/people getting up and walking in front of the tripod in the movie theater.

...realized I am going to miss my host sister when she moves out in February (that's when she gets married).

...learned what a 5.9 earthquake feels like.

...smiled as I ate another meal that I can remember hating as a child, only to realize that I absolutely love it now. Guess I'm growing up after all.


PS Henry turned 12 yesterday! :D

PPS My cousin Kit got married tonight! Congrats to him and Chelsea (who I know call a cousin-in-law...?)

PPPS I'm going to try something...

1 comment:

  1. Just enjoying some of your posts, hope you don't mind your mom bragging to me today I had to catch a bit of your life this year. I am so blown away, so proud of what a giving loving spirit of a young woman you are. Such an example to so many of what a Christian can express of who God is by who they are in this world. Love this pics. going to search for some with our very fair costaricanHannah in some. They must just absolutely adore you, missy!
    Love and prayers from the Mavars here in A-town!
