Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Day 84.

Today, I...

...saw another production at the National Theater (yay Tuesdays!) except this time a group of the girls from the Refuge joined as a field trip of sorts. The man who checks the bags grinned at me and greeted me with his weekly, "You've returned! I'm glad you love this place so much." I assured him that it's one of the most beautiful places on the planet and then informed him that I was here with my class of girls. "Oh..." he said, "so you're a volunteer." I confirmed this and told him that I worked in La Carpio, then asked if he had heard of it. He paused and lowered his voice, "I've heard of that place. It is a very horrible place. But looking at you, I know you are there for all the right reasons." With that he quoted Matthew 25:35, saying the words of Jesus: "For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in." I almost cried at that moment.

...missed the WA State Volleyball Tournament. Way to make it back there AHS! You have no idea how proud I am of each and every girl on that team.

...realized I am going to miss my tica mom. A lot. The other day Tom said, "You know...she's not your real mom." She's not -- she could never come close to replacing my beloved Valerie, but the way that she teaches me, encourages me, and loves me can only be called motherly.

...learned how easy it is to make friends here. While at the theater, another school group full of sixth graders kept staring at me and my blond hair. Finally one youngster piped up, "Doo joo espeek espaneesh?" I told him that I, in fact, did speak Spanish. After the show, I was waiting to meet up with my host mom downtown, and I heard a "Hannah!!!" from across the plaza. The twelve-year-old boy, who probably came up to my elbow, flew with the pigeons and run up to greet me. I'll probably never see him again, but I won't forget his smile.

...smiled when I checked my watch. Only 10 days until I get to see my family!


1 comment:

  1. Hannah--
    Checking out your life in C. R. --Val let me in on your blog. I'm very excited for you and all you are experiencing and learning this year. Especially liked your video blog! All the best as your adventures continue.
    Elisabeth Ford Brace
