-Gringos are loud and talk a lot.
-Alanna (another gringa missionary with CFCI and one of my best friends from Tall Timber Family Camp) was playing a game of concentration with the ten-year-old brother of one of the girls at the refuge. They were taking turns listing off Spanish names (ie Jose, Maria, etc). I approached just as the boy paused and thought for a moment, and then exclaimed "Gorda!" Apparently "Fat woman" is considered a legit name here.
-Have you ever realized how many names/countries end with the letter A? Think about it.
-In La Carpio today, I saw a man carrying around a boa constrictor.
-I also saw Ani, a girl who I knew from six years ago. She's studying in some sort of technical school with her husband.
-When people meet me, this is usually how the conversation goes:
Them: Como se llama? What's your name?
Me: Hannah.
Them: Cuantos aƱos tiene? How old are you?
Me: 18.
Them: Tiene hijos? Do you have any children?
Me: No.
Them: Esta casada? Are you married?
Me: No.
Them: Oh.
-Today I had two girls ask me what "Mai hohm" meant. "Mai hohm?" I asked, very confused. "Si! Mai hohm!" They yelled, expecting me to spit out a Spanish translation. "De que estan hablando? What are you talking about?" I asked. At this, the two of them started dancing, singing a very butchered version of the Black Eyed Peas "My Humps". Yah.
-People have already started putting up Christmas decorations here.
-Have you ever realized how many names/countries end with the letter A? Think about it.
and i miss you.